A New Domain Name

Our Spartans domain name vote is finished. Unlike the US presidential election, wisdom and common sense did not prevail. Also unlike the presidential election, we had an unprecedented voting response – 110% of the eligible voters cast electronic ballots. Now, direct from the president’s specially appointed election committee, here are the complete, audited results:

1 gospartans.org – 10 votes – a “feel good” name for the masses
2 spartansrun.org – 9 votes – a brilliantly descriptive name showing who we are and what we do
3 spartansrc.org – 2 votes – a fine concatenation of our club name, Spartans Running Club
4 gokurt.org – 1 vote – obviously by a smitten groupie fan of our resident actor. Or a vainity vote by Kurt???
4 sparticus.org – 1 vote – the home of the Spartans; a great choice, not publicized enough to draw votes from the unwashed masses

That’s it.


Given the huge electronic audience that this process must have drawn, some unscrupulous friend of Kurt’s has probably registered our first choice, expecting to sell it to the mighty Spartans and make a cool million. We will not play that game, if the first choice domain name is unavailable, a variation of it will be selected. If no variants are available, we will move to the second choice. Upon registration, you will have an easy to remember domain name to access our site.


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