About Us

The goal of the Spartans Track and Cross Country Club is to promote fun, fitness and friendship through a variety of running focused activities.

We are located in the San Jose, California area. There are about 40 members; living in locations ranging from Santa Cruz to Sacramento and from Fremont to Hollister. Club members frequent a variety of races, including team events like the PAUSATF Cross Country Series, The Home Run at Stanford and the Christmas Relays around Lake Merced in San Francisco. The majority of members focus on 5 and 10k’s with several adding in distances up to the marathon. All comers, Masters and Seniors track and field meets are other favorites. Several more multi-faceted members also compete in biathlons and triathlons.

Since we are merely runners, we are not allowed to play in the sand or use any sharp or heavy implements, like hammers, spears or iron balls.

Group training consists of weekly interval sessions and long runs.

Social events include our Spring/Summer Picnic and our Fall/Winter Luncheon.

We are not now associated with San Jose State University nor any other ‘Spartans’ club or organization. In the 1980’s, the Club was formed as a San Jose State University student club with goals of reestablishing the university’s once world renowned track program and promoting running. Over the years, there was no success in reviving the track program. The membership slowly evolved from all SJSU students to few students, many graduates plus other local runners, so the university affiliation was terminated.

The Club’s only affiliation is with the Pacific Association of the United States Track and Field Association (PAUSATF).