1/28/06 Spartan’s Banquet

Inquiring minds want to know – – –

Yes Kurt, there is a Spartans banquet!

It’s still on Saturday January 28th, 2006, from 6:30 P.M. until – – –

After seeing the incomparable Kurt Gravenhorst’s riveting performance on the small screen, staring in the NYC 2006 Times Square New Year celebration, the Spartans executive staff unanimously agreed with his celebrity recommendation to dine at – – –

Sonoma Chicken Coop, 200 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA
phone 408 866-2699.
For menu and other information, please go to their web site – sonomachickencoop.com

After dinner entertainment will be highlighted by a short presentation of our 2005 Spartan running achievements. That will be REALLY short, so we will quickly elect new officers and maybe prevail upon Kurt to give his interpretation of a million people watching the Times Square ball drop. Oh, the thrill of it all!

As always, Spartan friends and family are invited. Can’t wait to see you there. RSVP to me, Jerome Woehl either by e-mail or phone – 408 230-0689.

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