It’s time to wish all of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Again, the Spartans had a fine year, doing track work-outs, trail runs, local races and participating in the PAUSA cross country series. We set no world records and had no spectacular wins, but, after all these years, we are still going at it.

Sadly, one of our faithful track work-out buddies is no longer with us. At age 48, Tom Gardin passed away from a heart attack while on his morning run. Tom was one of the better south bay racers. He was also an accomplished bicyclist. In all our fun exchanges, mostly about athletic endeavors, we never learned until after his passing that Tom, a computer guy, was also an accomplished guitarist. He was another fun, interesting and accomplished work-out friend that always brightened our day with his presence. We miss you Tom.

It’s friends like Tom that make it a pleasure to go to the track all these years. As we age, it gets more difficult to continue an exercise program. Here are my wishes that in the new year you will be able to maintain and adjust your exercise program so that it works for you and brings you health and joy through the new year. Hopefully, it will also bring you renewed and new friendships as well.

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